Legal notices

MIP Pharma Holding GmbH
Kirkeler Straße 41
D-66440 Blieskastel

Managing Directors
Dr. Friedrich Sernetz
Peter Lenbet

Chairman of the Advisory Board
Dr. Axel Müller

Responsible for journalistic-editorial contents according to § 18 II RstV:
Michelle Lehmann

Commercial Register
Amtsgericht Saarbrücken HR B 10 69 42

VAT ID number:
DE 3 34 43 96 16

Competent regulatory authority pursuant to the German Medicinal Products Act (AMG)
Ministery of Health, Social Affairs, Women and the Family
Department E Health, Prevention
Section E3
Franz-Josef-Röder-Straße 23
D-66119 Saarbruecken


Please see our privacy policy.


Terms of Use

By accessing the website of MiP PHARMA, users expressly acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. General Terms of Use

MiP Pharma Holding GmbH has developed and operates this website and maintains its content. Users access and use this website at their own risk.
MiP Pharma Holding GmbH reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change in whole or part the contents of this website, these General Terms of Use, its General Terms and Conditions, the prices and the terms of sale and delivery at any time without prior notice; it similarly reserves the right to terminate operation of this site.

2. Trademarks and Copyrights

All text, graphics, images, trademarks, files and any other published information are subject to the copyright of MiP Pharma Holding GmbH or the rights acquired by third parties through MiP Pharma Holding GmbH. Except for the right to use or other rights as expressly granted on this website, users shall not be permitted to reproduce, pass on, change, supplement or use in any other way the contents of this website without prior permission from MiP Pharma Holding GmbH.

3. Downloading

Users download files at their own risk. In no event will MiP Pharma Holding GmbH be liable for any damages incurred directly or indirectly by the use of [downloaded] files. This shall particularly apply whenever these files are used to commit criminal offenses.

4. Liability

In general, MiP Pharma Holding GmbH is liable according to the statutory provisions. On this website, MiP Pharma Holding GmbH only provides information that is correct and current to the best of its knowledge. Despite these efforts, the website may contain errors or inaccuracies. Therefore, MiP Pharma Holding GmbH makes no commitment to update the website and assumes no responsibility or warranty whatsoever with respect to topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided and hereby disclaims any and all responsibility in this regard. MiP Pharma Holding GmbH assumes no liability for any damage or loss which arises out of or is in any way connected with the use of this information. This also applies to any indirect, incidental or consequential damage arising out of or in connection with the use of this website. MiP Pharma Holding GmbH does not undertake to obtain information of a confidential nature via websites and/or through the email addresses contained therein and disclaims all responsibility for maintaining confidentiality. Personal data are governed by the German Data Protection Act (BDSG). The purpose of data posted on this website is to provide general information; under no circumstances are they a substitute for a discussion with an expert or for any other business or professional consulting services. Although we have protected our data against external access, a minor residual risk remains that the content presented may have been altered by foreign interventions. Therefore, any warranties of such a nature are excluded.

5. Information Provided by Users

Users of this website are solely and fully responsible for all information they send to MiP Pharma Holding GmbH being correct and they are also responsible for that content and that the rights of third parties are not violated. Regarding data protection and the data protection laws and directives, please refer to our data protection policy, which you can view at the link below. MiP Pharma Holding GmbH hereby expressly notifies users of its use of SPAM filters, which may prevent the receipt of email messages.

6. Registration

Wherever registration for use of our website is required, users are obligated to give truthful information on their registration and notify MiP Pharma Holding GmbH about any changes to these data. After they register, users receive a password. Users must make sure that this password is not accessible to third parties and are liable for all orders and any other activities transacted using this password. As soon users acquire knowledge that third parties are misusing a password, they are obligated to notify MiP Pharma Holding GmbH immediately thereof in writing.

7. Hyperlinks

By providing links to external websites (hyperlinks), MiP Pharma Holding GmbH is not making any claims to such websites or their content. Moreover, MiP Pharma Holding GmbH is neither responsible for the availability of these websites nor for their content. Users click on the hyperlinks to these websites at their own risk.

8. Further Legal Notices on the Website

Please note that individual web pages within the MIP PHARMA website may be subject to special legal notices governing their use, e.g. terms and conditions of purchase or statutory requirements for data utilization.

9. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

Any legal claims or litigation arising in connection with the website or its use are subject to interpretation of the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, with the exception of the rules of private international law. The court of jurisdiction is Saarbrücken Local Court.

This website is operated by MiP Pharma Holding GmbH; all rights to the website belong to MiP Pharma Holding GmbH.